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pswrs@parksyn.org before paying your online tuition. Thank you!
Milton & Rosalyn Z. Wolf Education Center
Preschool - 12th grade
The Education Department, under the leadership of Teri Hochberg, provides a comprehensive Jewish education encompassing all Park children and families. The beliefs, practices and values of Conservative Judaism are taught through a unique, community-minded curriculum utilizing synagogue and local resources as well as the latest in technology and global Jewish trends. Our faculty is well-respected in the community and has been recognized for its excellence.
The Journey Begins
Special VIP (Very Important Person ) & Me
Welcome to our Sunday morning class for 18 month through 36-month-old toddlers & their VIP! This program introduces our youngest children to everything Jewish. Singing, holiday celebrations, art projects, stories & more. The class meets every Sunday morning according to the Sunday School schedule from 9:30-10:30 am. This month we are all about getting ready for Chanukah. Free & Open to the Jewish Community. Bring your play groups.
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Sunday School: Sunday mornings at Park Synagogue. The primary department begins laying a foundation for our young congregants by introducing them to everything Jewish in a hands-on, nurturing environment. First graders participate in Consecration on Simchat Torah. Pre-K children (3 and 4-year-olds) attend Sunday School for free!
The Journey Accelerates
3rd-6th Grade
Our vibrant Sunday mornings include experiential learning, special guests, and student super days. The curriculum focuses on Hebrew and prayer study, Bible, Israel, mitzvot, holidays and Jewish history. While the program looks ahead to the student’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah, its main goal is to create lifelong Jewish learners.
Monday Afternoon School:
Monday afternoons reinforce what the children have been introduced to on Sunday mornings. PLUS each month the entire student body will participate in an experiential mitzvah project, in a cooking experience, and in a cultural arts activity.
All-Star Thursdays (optional):
Jump into our Thursday FUNdamental All-Star season, which runs for 10 weeks beginning after the fall holidays. The 75 minutes are jam-packed: The Jewish Apples to Apples tournament keeps the students on their toes. Students enrich their Hebrew through small group Hebrew classes. Every week students help prepare for their home Shabbat table by creating their own braid-and-take challah.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Club (second semester class):
This is an important intergenerational class preparing the family for the upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah as it is structured to emphasize each child's special day. The program incorporates all Park sixth graders (Day School and Religious School students) and their parents, studying with Rabbi Skoff with the entire clergy and sixth grade.
Chai-er Education
7th Grade
Sunday mornings at Park Synagogue. The first semester Pre & post Bar/Bat Mitzvah students have the opportunity to put the “mitzvah” of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah into practice. First semester this program connects our middle school teens as they experience the responsibilities of our Jewish and world communities. Second semester our seventh graders connect themselves to the Park Synagogue learning community by becoming a madrich-in-training (M.I.T.)
8th & 9th Grade (pre-confirmation)
Sunday mornings at Park Synagogue. Eighth and ninth graders have a variety of choices on Sunday mornings: being a Madrich (Teachers’ Aide) which is a paid or volunteer position, participating Klezmer Band, and/or representing Park Synagogue as a Teen Delegate to a national Jewish conference one weekend.
11th & 12th Grade with Rabbi Skoff
Second Monday night of each month at Park Synagogue. Discuss the “big questions” of Judaism with Rabbi Skoff and a community of high school peers. The Rabbi looks forward to a teen conversation, “How to Save the World Before the Messiah Comes” OR “How to Be Kind Even if the World Isn’t.”
Additional Opportunities
8th - 12th Grade - Madrichim (Teacher’s Aides)
Students develop their leadership skills by working with younger students. Both volunteer and paid positions are available. Second semester 7th grade M.I.T. program (see above). Madrichim must be enrolled and attend Wolf Religious School. Download the application form.
Klezmer band
7th - 12th Grade
Sunday mornings and second Fridays of the month. Participate in the teen Klezmer band with Steve Greenman. Students practice during Sunday School and beautify the Shabbat service the second Friday of every month during the school year.
Y stands for Youth – and “Y” sounds like WHY?
Why Shabbat? Synagogue members, ages 7-12, come find out the first three Saturdays of each month, 10:30-11:30 am.
• Strengthen your Hebrew reading and prayer skills.
• Deepen your understanding of the Shabbat prayers.
• Sing with Mr. Chuck.
• Join in creative ways to celebrate Shabbat
• Enjoy a ‘kid’-dush each week.
AND the best part of this is…
Attend 10 Y Shabbats and earn a $700 scholarship.
Attend 7 Y Shabbats and earn a $360 scholarship.
This year we are excited to offer a scholarship opportunity to our Park Synagogue members, ages 7-12 years old, towards Jewish overnight camp and/or Israel trips for kids who participate in Park’s Y(outh) Shabbat on Saturday mornings. Thanks to the generosity of David Paul Miller, this scholarship is in addition to any other scholarship or financial programs.
To participate/register and additional questions please contact Teri Hochberg at teri@parksyn.org. Please write “Youth Services” in the subject line.
For More Information:
Contact Teri Hochberg, Director of Education at (216) 371-2244, ext. 125.