Confirmation is a great way for students to discover their Jewish identity and build community through studying, volunteering, and having fun together. Confirmation provides teens the opportunity to explore different ideas about Judaism and integrate them into their life as they grow into adulthood. They will discuss thoughts and beliefs about God, our traditions, Jewish values, and Israel. Confirmation encourages our next generation to take their places as leaders in our community.

Dear Rising 10th grade Students & Parents,
I am happy to be the coordinator of Park Synagogue’s Confirmation program. We are planning a meaningful year for our 10th grade Confirmation class that will build friendships, strengthen Jewish identity, help teens feel more connected to our Park Synagogue community, and prepare them for Jewish life in college.
The Confirmation year will consist of in person classes, community service projects, a retreat day at Camp Wise, and special trips.
In class we will study topics such as Antisemitism, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Jewish identity, and Jewish values. Confirmation is
a great way to meet other Jewish teens and build community. Confirmation students may also participate in our Park Synagogue Madrachim program on Sunday mornings, if they choose.
I have learned that teens want to be engaged in worthwhile activities and not feel we are “wasting their time.” I strive to be as flexible as possible and believe our past Confirmation classes felt this was a fun, engaging, and valuable experience and were glad they made the commitment.
Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you!
Rabbi Sharon Marcus
Fall Retreat
Retreat Day at Camp Wise
Sunday, October 20th
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Get to know your classmates better and enjoy the low ropes course and other team building activities as we kick off the Confirmation year at Camp Wise! -
Saturday Classes
Study with Rabbi Marcus, Judge Dan Polster, & Rabbi Skoff. Discover your personal beliefs as you explore a range of topics including Jewish theology, philosophy, Zionism, & Jewish values and identity.
Mitzvah Projects
Participate in Tikkun Olam through social action trips to places like Medwish & the Cleveland Chesed Center. 10 Volunteer hours are required.
Cultural Experiences
Explore Jewish culture in Cleveland and beyond through experiences such as a visit to Judge Dan Polster's courtroom, museum exhibitions and shows on our Philidelphia Heri!age Trip!

Thursday, November 14-Sunday, November 17th, 2024
Park Synagogue teens will join JNF-USA for an unforgettable experience with hundreds of high school students from across the nation! Bond, engage and grow your love for Israel with JNF-USA. Be a part of meaningful conversations, actively participate, and share your passion for Israel in this weekend long conference! You will leave energized and excited to do more.
The summit will begin on Thursday, November 14, 2024, with a special high school opening program at 8:00 PM and will be ending with a special closing ceremony on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 12:30 PM.
• Thought provoking and impactful programs designed for high school students about Israel.
• The opportunity to learn from young professionals and expert Israel educators and Jewish National Fund-USA Ambassadors.
• A party Saturday night with hundreds of your peers!
• Leaving with more pride to be a Zionist than when you came in!